
How Much Karma Do You Need To Make A Subreddit

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How much karma is needed to create a subreddit



How much karma is needed to create a subreddit

I have some karma. And the help section said I needed a SMALL amount of karma. What is the EXACT amount needed. If it is over 25 I am leaving reddit because they don't know what SMALL is.

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level 1

Well I researched and came up lacking a definitive answer. Reason is they want people to spend time posting and getting used to the experience so they keep the minimum secret. Dumb I know.. But if I had to guess it would be 25 karma. I am starting a new sub in a few days myself. I have more than enough karma and would like to give you some gold if you need it in place of karma. That may make it easier for you. Who knows but, message me if you could use it. Either way Good Luck! 🙌

level 2

Comment removed by moderator · 3y

level 2

Ye can I have some karma please lads

level 2

I have over 800 karma and I still can't make my own subreddit. Then again I use the app on the phone instead of the browser on PC so I don't know if that has something to do with it.

level 2

That cleared it up for me, thank you

level 1

You need around 50 (not exactly, but around that) combined karma to create a subreddit.

You seem to already have satisfied the age requirement.

level 2

I do feel guilty asking someone for karma, but I do need some Karma... So karma will be nice I guess.

level 2

my friend made a reddit and he only has 31 karma

level 1

I got 13 karma and have been in Reddit for over 30 days and I was able to make a sub reddit

level 1

· 3y

If it is over 25 I am leaving reddit

Peace out. We don't need more people spamming their shitty YouTube channels anyway.

level 1

Comment deleted by user · 3y

level 1

So I've got 462 Karma and it won't let me make a sub. What gives?

level 2

How old is your Reddit account?

level 1

Bruh. Seriously? I joined in 2015. 4 years later, and I just found this out. I have 11 karma. The heck is Karma? What does it do? How do I get it?

level 2

You get karma from getting posts upvoted and I think commenting on posts.

level 1

I have over 200 karma and i can't make one. It's prob because my account is only 29 days old.

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How Much Karma Do You Need To Make A Subreddit


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