
How Have Surviellance Cameras Helped With Cases Of Evidence

Benefits of security cameras and video surveillance
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25 Reasons and Benefits of Video Surveillance & Security Cameras for your Business [Infographic]

When information technology comes to the overall safety and security of your business, video surveillance and security cameras are a must. Here are 25 benefits of video surveillance and compelling reasons why, if your business organization does not accept a video surveillance security camera system, you need to consider it.

1. Security Cameras Increment Overall Safety

Security cameras positioned throughout a business concern help to forestall crimes and break-ins. Businesses are 4x more likely to exist burglarized every bit a domicile.

2. Video Surveillance Can Help Forbid Shoplifting & Theft

Business security cameras, prominently placed, can help deter theft. Did you lot know, 64 percent of all modest businesses fall victim to employee theft, and nationally, small businesses lose $25,000 to $33,000 every minute to shoplifters

iii. Prevent Fraud

A typical business can lose up to 5% of its acquirement to fraud

4. Video Surveillance Can Prevent Employee Theft

80 pct of thefts happened in organizations with fewer than 100 employees, and over half had fewer than 25 employees

5. Improves Safeguards

Smaller organizations are more vulnerable to employee theft. This is because often, there are fewer safeguards in place

vi. Protects Against Break-in

lx.5% of burglaries are forcible entry. Many people believe that burglaries are but "crimes of opportunity. All the same, statistics show, the bulk of burglaries are actually forcible entries (breaking windows, picking locks, kick in doors, etc.). A good security organization, including surveillance security cameras, tin be a not bad deterrent for these types of crimes

vii. Improved Perception of Concern for Customer Prophylactic

The presence of a skillful security system including security cameras shows your customers that you care about their rubber and security and can improve their overall perception of your business organization

8. Improves Outside Security for Customers and Employees

Video surveillance security cameras protect your employees both directly and indirectly. When installed in company parking lots and outside the physical building they can record the suspicious activeness and allow visitor security officers or others to ensure employees attain their vehicles safely.

9. Security Cameras Can Lower The Run a risk of Vandalism

Business concern owners pay direct and indirectly for vandalism. According to the U.Due south. Small-scale Business Administration, a unmarried incident of vandalism costs on boilerplate $3,370. Conspicuously placed cameras have been proven to reduce threats of violence and vandalism at businesses dramatically.

10. Meliorate Employee Productivity and Concern Operations

11. Increases Sales

Video cameras can also help you lot sell more than products from your retail store. How? They make information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to track customer traffic patterns throughout your business. This allows you to move inventory and adjust stocking and then that you're taking total advantage of "natural" high-traffic areas.

12. 24/seven Peace of Mind

Continuous real-time monitoring – IP remote surveillance allows authorized employees to monitor disquisitional business areas continuously, 24/seven in real-time from almost anywhere.

13. Can Help Avoid legal Claims and Fraud

Avoid costly legal expenses from false or dishonest claims. One of the worst fears of any business is being sued. Whether an accident, injury, harassment or other legal result occurs on-site, having video evidence can bear witness what actually took identify

14. Provides Business organization Compliance

Many types of businesses must have a video surveillance system in identify to comply with HIPPA or SEC regulations as well equally internal corporate policies.

15. Security Cameras Aid Law Enforcement

Video surveillance footage is i of police enforcement all-time investigative tools for business concern-related criminal activity including theft and vandalism

16.  Is Cost-Effective and Scalable

Video surveillance is toll-constructive and scalable. Equally your business grows, adding and integrating boosted cameras into an established network is easy and cost-constructive.

17. Provides a Record of All Action In Your Business

Video surveillance protects employees indirectly past monitoring each visitor who comes into the building and keeps a video record of their activity.

18. Security Cameras Reduce the Need for Hiring Additional Security Personnel

Because employees, managers, and supervisors cannot be everywhere at once, a video surveillance organization monitors productivity without the added expense of hiring boosted personnel.

19. Video Surveillance Can Increase Concern Profits

A Bloomberg Concern study of the effects of surveillance at 392 restaurants showed that where surveillance cameras were in identify and operational, businesses saw a 22 percent drop in theft AND a seven percent increase in profits.

twenty. Monitors Customer Transactions

Retail establishments use video surveillance to monitor customer transactions. For case, if a customer claims to have purchased an expensive item simply does not accept the receipt, or that an employee was rude or provided misinformation, video surveillance records can exist used to determine whether they were in the store on the day in question, and what, in fact, took place.

21. Makes Practiced Business Sense

Video surveillance makes good business sense because often, a business owner, or leader, y'all can't be in more than one place at a time. Video surveillance provides you with visual access to your business when yous need it 24/7, 365 days of the year.

22. Security Cameras  Can Protect Confronting Robberies

Robberies and burglaries are up 8.6% since 2016.

23. Video Surveillance Tin Reduce Budgetary Losses

The boilerplate toll per shoplifting incident doubled to $559.

24. Become Proactive in Preventing Shoplifting

60% of known shoplifters were detected entering at least 2 divide locations of the same retail chain.

25. Recognize Shoplifting & Deter Threats Before They Happen

20% of known shoplifters visited three or more locations of the aforementioned retail chain.

Learn how Cox Business concern can assistance with concern security and video surveillance. Learn More


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